Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Midwinter 2010!!!

Here are the pictures of me and my lady friends (and a few dudes) from midwinter!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so I'm sitting here awake at almost 2 o'clock in the morning not being able to sleep. (Not that blogging is going to help me to sleep, but hey it's Christmas)

I guess the main reason for me not being able to sleep is because I'm too excited for Christmas in the morning to sleep, yes, I'm 18 and I still get excited for Christmas. DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!!!

So since I can't sleep I guess I will tell you all what I got for Christmas Eve today, err yesterday.
I got a hello kitty gift card (don't worry it's to Hot Topic) a nice black hoodie from aeropostale, an amazing hat that is indescribably awesome and must be seen in person that it may be known how awesome it is. A scarf. A gift card to Gamestop. A laptop cooling desk. ummmmm............
Im really tired so its kind of taking me a while to remember everything i got, like i said don't judge me. ooh yeah, boots for walking through the cold snow at U.T. ummm....... I think that might be it.

You know, I've noticed that as you get older your Christmases start to get more and more boring. I didn't want it to happen, but look at me, Im excited for a thing for my laptop. I DON'T WANNA GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!

Anywho, Merry Christmas to all of you and to all a good night, oh and a happy new year.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

More cool backgrounds

Hey guys it's me again. A while ago I uploaded some sweet backgrounds made by my online friend who calls himself KHAOTIK Ill upload those again with some new ones that I have not uploaded yet. These are really cool and the strangest thing about it is the guy who makes these is colorblind. Enjoy these.